Keling tanish-bilishamiz!

Keling tanish-bilishamiz!

*Let's get to know Me!*

Muhammadaziz - XXI asr boshlaridan keng tarqalgan ism va shu ism orqali tanilayotgan insonlardan biri menman. Oddiy hayotini noodatiy tarzda yangidek qilishga harakat qilayotgan farzand, do'st, aka va talabaman. "Universe"da tashkilotchi? Volontyor? Kursdosh? Meni qanday holda, qanday kunda eslab qolgansiz menga "oydin" tunday noaniq. Ammo, bugundan boshlab shaxsan meni qanday tanishingiz muhim deb hisoblaymiz. Ushbu blog noodatiyligi bilan ajralib turishi uchun ham maksimal darajada ajoyib va unumli yuritamiz... Har qanday taklif va fikrlarni yuksalish uchun qadam sifatida ko'raman va barchangizdan kutib qolaman. Siz uchun kerakli ma'lumotlarni berib borish mening maqsadim bo'ldi, sizdan foydalanish qoldi..)

Mukhammadaziz - is a common name since the beginning of the 21st century and I am one of the people known by that name. I am a son, a friend, a brother and a student trying to make his normal life unusually new. Organizer in the Universe? Volunteer? Classmate? It is not clear to me how and on what day you remembered me. However, from today on, we think it’s important how you get to know me personally. I am doing my best to make this blog stand out from the crowd. I see any suggestions and ideas as a step forward and look forward to seeing you all. My goal was to give you the information you need, it's time to use it. Hope you will enjoy it..)

Aziz Malikov